Wednesday 3 March 2010

The Gulf Between Generation X and Generation X-Factor

This weeks blog is a bit of a rant im afraid. It's okay, normal service will be resumed next week but here is something that I just want to get off my chest. Here we go.

I have two sisters, one is sixteen and the other is almost ten. They are just the right age to be influenced by what they see and what they hear on television and on the radio and the everything that was wrong with the noughties. Reality TV such as Big Brother, obsessions with celebrities in the media and music which lacks originality and where commercial value means more than the sum of it's parts. Put all of this together and what do you get?

The X-Factor and other talent searching shows before it are surely the most degrading and worst thing that has slopped onto our TV screens since the turn of the millenium. Now Iknow that I am sadly a member of a growing minority but I really hope the world sees sense and one day people who do actual jobs such as those in the Armed Forces and Nursing, not to mention the everyday jobs that have to be done get paid better than some of the tits who subject us to such tripe. It's incredibly tragic to see judges who have all the talent of a pie to break the dreams of a poor member of the public who then is comforted by Dermot O Leary, who only shows compassion because it's great tele. Theres nothing that would make me more tempted to jump off a cliff than be comforted by that guy, who so manipulated he should have the word 'tool' tatooed on his forehead.

I'm not sure what it is, maybe its age or maybe a sex thing, but there is a growing gulf in the interests of those around my age and teenagers. Maybe were on the right side of Twenty and we are not as influenced by what we see and hear as much as used to be. For instance, most of the music my sister listens to is as irritating as a choir of nits climbing into your brain and singing 'Angels' at the top of the'ye tiny voices. I can see nothing of interest in Big Brother, OK Magazine and Jordan on ITV2 so i ignore it like a deaf Grandad sitting in a chair in the corner of the room ignores modern life.

Another show that really gets my goat is Britains Got Talent. Well the judges certainly haven't. The only thing Amanda Holden is fit to judge is an unhappy marriage. Piers Morgan, who has the charm of a wet biscuit, is slightly gormless and has the kind of smile which would make toddlers simultaniously busrt into tears all over the country.

Then there is Simon Cowell, who will stop at nothing until he is King of the World. His watermark for talent is so high you either have to sing like Beyonce or sell your children just to get through to the next round. Then again he is such a shrewed buisnessman that he could probably sell you your own hand. I'd like to think that the millions of people who watched that Youtube clip with Susan Boyle noticed the Judges almost dismiss her as a joke before she opens her lungs (not literally) and stuns the room (although that would be some talent if you could live after, i'd watch it, fickle much?). The only problem is that just as soon as she proves herself you can almost see the pound signs in the whites of Simon Cowell's eyes. Welcome to the machine, Ms Boyle.

So, to keep in the traditions of the evictions we have no interest in from these poisonous programmes, lets have a vote. It it an age thing or is it the views of people who need to get with the times because this is where the world is heading? You decide

P.S To see Simon Cowell dressed up as the dirty dog he is, watch this!

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